Saturday, September 7, 2019

History of nursing development Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History of nursing development - Case Study Example A major revolution in knowledge took place in 1950s when nurses started identifying and shaping necessary requirements for a separate knowledge body thanks to emergence, articulation and investigation of theories in nursing. Modern knowledge in nursing emphasizes research based on clinical questions, definition of concepts as well as variables, control of conditions and accurate instrumentation. According to (Thomas 1997) cited in Winters and Ballou, (2004), science can be defined broadly as â€Å"an intellectual process using all available mental and physical resources to better understand, explain, quantitate and predict normal as well as unusual natural phenomena.† This applied to nursing then it qualifies as a science and this way it is able to meet client requirements in biological, psychological and social terms. As a discipline, nursing utilizes both philosophical and scientific forms of inquiry; it combines social, empirical and applied elements of science and this because it concerns with both general and individual human experiences as well as the relationship between nurses and clients. It is therefore very important for nursing to stand out as an independent body of knowledge in science. Doctoral education in nursing will help prepare nursing scientists with better knowledge and skill to eradicate sources and impacts of scientific error in the field. Nurs es of today are not being cross trained with other fields, goals and research methods in nursing have become clearer. Therefore continuous support for extensive research at the level of PHD alongside peer review evaluation will effectively see the discipline do away with errors. In conclusion therefore the body of knowledge categorized as nursing has evolved over time and continues to improve for better service. It was initially viewed as subordinate with a lot of borrowed knowledge, later grow to formulate own theories and now is concerned with the whole human body hence

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